Most homeowners and business owners don’t know what condition their sewer pipes are in. Most don’t even think to check them.
We all take sewer pipes for granted, that is, until they don’t function and we are faced with a major leak or other issue. This is what is happening to several homeowners in Clear Lake, Wisc.
These homeowners are experiencing sewage overflows and flooding in their basements. With the combination of deep frost and a snowy February, the recent warm-up and rain led to snowmelt – which in turn broke two private sewer lines on both ends of the village. The system was suddenly overwhelmed. Water rushed through toilets across town.
Insurance companies won’t cover the cost of repairs and many homeowners don’t know where to go next to fix these issues.
Homeowners should be aware of two things to avoid or jump ahead of potential issues: how old is my sewer pipe and how much of it am I responsible for as the homeowner? It’s inherently important to understand the answers to these questions and what it means for you.
There are several signs a homeowner should be aware of when it comes to failing sewer pipe: visible water damage, unexplained toilet backups, slow-draining water in sinks and bathtubs, cracking of driveway and a new dip in the yard. Also, if your neighbors are having sewer issues, chances are you soon will too.
If you suspect your sewer pipe may be clogging up, then contact Perma-Liner and we can put you in contact with one of our certified installers.
Attention all Wisconsin residents and installers, Perma-Liner™ Industries has an event for you to attend! Everyone is invited to our NEW WAREHOUSE GRAND OPENING April 16-17 in Bow, New Hampshire. Visit to register and find out more.